
Contact us to locate the nearest abortion clinic in need of assistance. We’ll coordinate with the Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project to facilitate your Adopt-A-Clinic campaign by identifying your group as an affiliate of the Feminist Campus network. Not all clinics want, need, or are able to utilize community support at any given time, so we will work with the clinic directly to discuss options or coordinate a meeting with your group and a clinic representative to discuss the support they may need. Support options include:

Legal Observation

Experience shows that when protesters believe their activities are being systematically observed and recorded, they are more likely to tone down their actions. The clinic may need help documenting, photographing, and/or recording anti-abortion protesters and their activities.

Clinic Escorting

The clinic may already operate its own volunteer escort program, or a third-party clinic defense network may work with the clinic to provide support. Escorting is a simple, yet effective, way to support clinics by facilitating the safe passage of patients and staff inside of the building.

Clinic Advocacy

The clinic may want supporters to call attention to the problems it faces. This may include advocating for the clinic in your campus and/or local newspaper, organizing community events such as rallies, or promoting the clinic and its services over social media.

General Volunteering

While the clinic may not be under severe or constant threat, there may still be opportunities to help inside the clinic or with activities like community and/or campus outreach.

Displays of Gratitude

Not all clinics need or want volunteers, but they do all deserve gratitude for the important services they provide. Among other things, abortion providers and clinic staff face harassment and massive policy hurdles, and showing appreciation for their dedication to abortion access can mean a lot. Remind local clinic staff that the community is supportive of their work with a card or other “thank you” gesture.

Supporters stand outside of a clinic with "This Clinic Stays Open" and "Feminists are the Majority" signs

Already working with your local clinic? Ask if they’re interested in the services of the National Clinic Access Project and we’ll connect them!