Internship Recap: Rachel Stivers

By Rachel Stivers

Family. I know it sounds corny, but the biggest thing out of this internship experience I have gained is a family. My fellow interns have been my best friends through this experience, and I could not be more thankful for all five of them. From each of them I have learned a new perspective on things I had never experienced before. Because of them, my perspective on life has been broadened, and I will forever be grateful for that. I now also have five people that I know I can rely on if I need them.FullSizeRender

During my internship, I was given so many great opportunities. During only a few short months here, I had the opportunity to lobby, attend a press conference, attend #NYFLC2016, speak on panels with incredible people who I deeply admire, and attend a large variety of events that covered a variety of topics. I feel that this opportunity gave me opportunities that will help me with my future aspirations.

My favorite thing I got to do during my internship was to lobby. Although it was something that put me outside of my comfort zone, I am so glad that I did it! It gave me a different perspective into the political process, and it taught me how advocacy and politics intersect. It made me more passionate to really stay on top of legislation, and the importance of using my voice politically. Although not all of the representatives were receptive to what we had to say, it was nice to see how these offices worked and operated, and it was even nice to hear why the representative did not agree with us, so we knew where to make our argument stronger, and be able to speak to the issues on the other side.12642926_10208986367001905_36456003955521716_n

I also have found a sense of community here that I have never felt anywhere else. When tough situations came into my life, all of my coworkers were behind me to support me and make sure I had all of the resources I needed. In my time here, it’s obvious that if anyone needs help, this office collectively steps up and makes it happen. We all care for each other, and it’s never a problem. Because that’s what family does.

I wouldn’t change one thing about my internship. If you’re looking for an office where you get a ton of experience, new opportunities, friends, and family, the Feminist Majority Foundation should be the place you look. When you leave this internship, you will have a resume that looks fantastic, and a great support system both professionally and personally. I promise, you will not regret interning here. On second thought, the only thing I would change about this internship is how fast it went by.

I wish all of my fellow interns luck with their future professional aspirations, and hope that we will be able to keep the special friendship that we have created here. I hope that they know I will always be here to support them, in any situation. Because that’s what friends and family do.


By Rachel Stivers

Majoring in Criminology- Law and Society and Minoring in Women and Gender Studies at George Mason University. Spring 2016 intern at The Feminist Majority Foundation. Fan of cats, tea, and a good read.

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