There are so many New Year’s resolutions going around, many of which will fall off in a couple of months. Want a solid resolution idea? Pledge to adopt your local abortion clinic today! Part of Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project, our Adopt-A-Clinic campaign is a great activist tool for student groups to use to support women’s healthcare providers and staff in their area.
We all know that 2011 was not an easy year for our reproductive health clinics. From legislative attacks to physical attacks and harassment, it is not easy to provide abortion and contraception. One example is the New Year’s day arson at the Pensacola abortion clinic that gutted the whole facility, reports. Although we had many attacks on our reproductive rights and access to abortion, many people stood strong to fight these attacks on women’s health.
We were so proud to work with a fleet of great students and activists – from the clinic defense last summer in Florida and Maryland to TRAP laws in Virginia and Pennsylvania to the Mississippi Personhood Amendment, feminists have proven that they will work as hard as they can to protect their reproductive rights.
Will you pledge to work hard this year to ensure safe access to abortion? Please consider adopting a clinic close to you, so you can do things such as community support, clinic escorting, events, or even a thank-you to the clinic staff. Check out our toolkit today! Getting involved with clinic activism is a great way to keep your organization engaged and active.
The clinics need our help and solidarity today! If you need more information or are interested, please contact us first so we can connect you to your clinic. Consider participating in clinic support as your New Year’s resolution, and continue to eat that chocolate or drink that coffee you love so much!