Call to Action: Rush Limbaugh calls BC Champion Sandra Fluke a ‘Prostitute’

The Feminist Campus Team is outraged this morning after hearing Rush Limbaugh’s vicious and inappropriate attacks waged at Sandra Fluke. Fluke is the outspoken and courageous Georgetown Law student who has advocated for birth control coverage without co-pays or deductibles for students and employees of religiously-affiliated institutions. Sandra was denied a seat at the table […]

How to Host a Birth Control Clinic in 3 Easy Steps

Part of the #HERvotes blog carnival. Crossposted with permission from Law Students for Reproductive Justice. Fordham University is a Jesuit school. Because of this, students are not able to get birth control prescribed to them at the on-campus health centers. Fordham LSRJ wanted to provide Fordham students with a way to have access to doctors and birth control prescriptions. Here’s […]

No Religious Exemption for Birth Control Coverage

Part of the #HERvotes blog carnival. Despite enormous pressure from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Obama Administration recently decided not to broaden the religious exemption for contraceptive coverage under the Preventive Care package of the Affordable Care Act. This demand for additional exemptions,  would have denied millions of American women contraceptive coverage, including […]