Celebrate Roe at Virginia’s Pro-Choice Action Day!

By Alyssa Seidorf

Next Thursday, January 22, marks the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the historic Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. I wish we could all have one big party across the Commonwealth in celebration of all the reproductive rights this decision has brought women, but unfortunately, in Virginia, these reproductive rights have been under attack for years. For now, we are going to need to leave our balloons and streamers aside and instead raise our voices to our state legislators!

You can take action and protect Virginia women’s rights on Roe Day by doing any of the following:

  • Talk to Your Legislators: Join Edwith and Taylor, two members of our Feminist Campus team, in Richmond to demand that our lawmakers in the General Assembly advance legislation that protects access to birth control and repeal Virginia’s mandatory ultrasound law.
  • Advocacy Training: Participate in advocacy trainings in Hampton Roads or Northern Virginia to mobilize feminists in target districts to lobby their legislators on several important bills impacting women, men and families all over the Commonwealth.
  • #VA4Roe: Join a Twitter chat from 11 AM ’til noon on Thursday using the hashtag #VA4Roe to participate in a conversation about protecting women’s rights in Virginia.  Use this hashtag to show the world what activists are doing in our state to celebrate and stand up for our beloved Roe!
  • Scrap TRAP: Make a public comment to tell the Virginia Board of Health you support amending the medically unnecessary restriction on women’s health centers!
  • Table on your campus:! We have some awesome petitions to help you table on your campus to engage your peers and educate them on what is happening in Virginia.  If you are interested in receiving materials please email your National Campus Organizer, Alyssa, at [email protected]!

Roe has gone strong for 42 years – here’s to making sure it’s preserved for the next 42!

By Alyssa Seidorf

Alyssa Seidorf is a National Campus Organizer at the Feminist Majority Foundation. She works with college students across the county to support their feminist activism. Alyssa is a recent graduate of Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!) where she majored in Business Management and minored in Women’s and Gender Studies. During her time at VT, she was president of the feminist activist organization, Womanspace, and interned with Planned Parenthood Health Systems as a Civic Engagement intern where she engaged the Blacksburg, Va. community about reproductive justice and supported the McAuliffe gubernatorial campaign. A short list of her favorite things is: coffee, traveling, sex-positivity, purple, and spicy food. [email protected]

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