It’s National Voter Registration Day: Let’s Shake Up the Election This November!

By Carmen Rios

Happy National Voter Registration Day! If you’re not set up to vote in the upcoming midterm elections, this is your “Full Stop, Drop Everything, Register, and Roll” alert.

There’s a lot at stake for women, people of color, and young people on Election Day: important ballot measures covering everything from abortion and birth control access to marijuana legalization, voting rights, and even the Equal Rights Amendment will be decided November 4. It’s up to voters like you – yes, you! – to turn out and shake up the political playing field this fall, and there are myriad ways you can make an impact!

Register to Vote

The easiest way to make a difference in an election is to vote! Luckily for you, registering is as easy as 1-2-3 when you use Rock The Vote! Before you register, decide if you’ll be voting in the state where you attend school or in your home state, if they’re different, and once you’re done, read up on the voting guidelines and laws for your district to be sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row. Missing out on a chance to vote over a technicality is a huge bummer, especially if it means you’ll have to take a MegaBus home at 3AM over Halloween weekend in order to show your civic dedication (not that I know from experience or anything).

Pledge to ShowOUT!

The Youth ShowOUT! Campaign is about doing more than turning out the vote – it’s about showing out the vote. We want young people like you across the country to seize their political power by volunteering, canvassing, educating, and hell-raising. Take the pledge or sign up to be a campaign leader in your community today to get into it!

Mobilize HER Vote on Your Campus

Our National Campus Organizers and Albuquerque volunteers worked with Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers, to mobilize the student vote.
Our National Campus Organizers and Albuquerque volunteers worked with Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers, to mobilize the student vote.

We’re no stranger to voter registration here at Feminist Campus. We’ve been working to Get Out HER Vote for years, and we even have a handy-dandy comprehensive toolkit for you so you can do the same on your campus. Women’s issues are important, and women’s voices matter in elections. If you’d like to get your campus activated, email [email protected]!

By Carmen Rios

Carmen splits her time disparately between feminist rabble-rousing, writing, public speaking, and flower-picking. She is currently Communications Coordinator at the Feminist Majority Foundation, the Straddleverse and Feminism Editor at Autostraddle, and a writer with FORCE. Carmen is a SPARK alum and former Managing Editor of THE LINE Campaign blog. She's part of an oncoming anthology about girls' activism.

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