Results for "virginia"

We found 79 results for your search.

Stand Strong, Students: “The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance”

With millions of voters potentially impacted by new, restrictive voter ID laws, the question of why such laws are being enacted has a simple answer: to sway elections by only counting a portion of our citizens’ votes. This is especially true when it comes to student voters, one of the most underrepresented demographics at the ballot box, and female voters, who make up the majority of college students.

Outrage: Women Referred Only to CPCs by VA Dept. of Health for Mandatory Ultrasounds

To accompany Virginia’s new anti-abortion law, which requires women to get an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion, the Virginia Department of Health released a list of businesses that offer “free” ultrasounds. All sixteen businesses on the list are anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs). Currently, there are an estimated 3,500 CPCs nationwide, most of which are […]