That’s A KavaNOPE from Us: #SaveSCOTUS
Abortion Action and Advocacy Birth Control Clinic Access Disability Economic Justice Education Environment/Ecofeminism Fake Clinics (CPCs) Gender-Based Violence Healthcare Identities Leaders and Government LGBTQIA+ Other Race and Ethnicity Religion Reproductive Rights Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Sexuality Student Activism Vote Feminist Washington D.C.
By Clarie Randall
Clarie is Senior National Organizer at the Feminist Majority Foundation, where she runs operations and programming for Feminist Campus on the East Coast. Shortly after graduating from the University of South Carolina in 2017, she joined the Feminist Campus team to organize in Southeastern states. Now a D.C. resident, Clarie is passionate about digital and grassroots organizing and enjoys exploring the city with her partner, dreaming about getting a dog one day.
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